Regan the Photog

Late in fall, on a beatiful day, I was asked by our neighbors to do a quick family portrait session at a local pumpkin patch in Springfield, PA. The daughter of the family is Regan’s best friend, Bella. So, I asked Jess and Regan to join me, thinking we can have some fun all together and grab some pumpkins, when we wrapped. Regan had brought “his” camera (one of my old cameras I keep as decoration in my office), and stood next to me, working alongside. He was adorable. I tried to get him involved by asking him to assist me with a couple minor tasks. But my favorite was a moment after we were done the shoot and he was taking pictures of Bella, as she was peering through a wood standin. In the other 2 images here, he was standing, shooting right next to me. Jess got some great images on her phone of the entire scene. All in all, it was a good time, where all of the adults and kids had laughs.

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